Sorry Guys

Sorry for the long delay in posts. Things have been crazy busy with the new baby as well as freelance work for graphics design. I hope to release a new version of my webpage this month or early next month. Its going to have lots of cool new features and a kicking design.

Well I degress. On to biking.  I have been keeping up my biking only taking off maybe one day a week to rest (no counting weekends). The huge hill really kills me. If it was flat, I doubt I would be sweating at all. I did get a bike computer so I can record some stats as I ride. On the huge downhill (and uphill) that I ride on everyday, I managed to get to 30 m/h by just coasting down it. I’ll have to do an exact distance measurement and other stuff later. 

As to the weight loss. I really haven’t lost anything because I’m a turd when it comes to eating good.  BAD ME! I need to stop eating sweets and eating out (when you have a 2 year old.. kinda hard not to).

Well, the only thing I can do is keep up the biking, and try to eat better.


5 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Stephanie Nydegger said,

    Yes, the eating thing gets most people as well. Nate has been complaining about the same thing. He does well with his running and all, but what gets him are those darn sweets or late night/tv watching snacks. Keep up the good work though with your biking. Glad to see you back to the blogging world. 🙂

  2. 2

    Chris Bishop said,

    It would help if sweets and bad food didn’t taste so good. Kinda hard to eat well, when broccoli tastes the way it does. Yuck!

    On the plus side.. I haven’t gained anything.

  3. 3

    My wife has been trying really hard to prepare healthy, tasty meals for us (she is trying to lose some weight). Some of them are good, some of them aren’t so good. I’ll try not to bring treats to work!

  4. 4

    Stephanie Nydegger said,

    And if you try to make broccoli taste better with salt and butter, you are totally defeating the whole purpose of eating healthy. But if you steam your veggies and add a little olive oil to it, it’s pretty good and not bad for you. I have some good healthy recipes that I should give to Missy to try out. But I also think the main thing here is moderation in all things. 🙂

  5. 5

    Chris said,

    Thats another of my problems. It’s hard for me to eat things in moderation. It takes a bit to make me feel full. If I eat like normal people I feel like I’m starving.

    Got to find a way to eat things to fill me up that are healthy. I eat lots of fruit, but veggies I have a hard time eating. Most cooked veggies will actually make me gag, so I prefer to eat most of them raw.

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