Officially Done with Biking for the Year


This morning I rode to work in 48 degree weather.  That was way to cold especially when you are traveling 30mph downhill near a river. By the time I got to work I was slightly dizzy, numb all over, and exhuasted. Granted it did snow three days ago, but it was suppose to warm up to almost 70. Guess not, at least not for today.

Ive been cough a little bit this morning, so I hope the foolish ride isnt getting me sick. We’ll see I guess

As so how much I’ve lost in my months of riding.  Absolutly nothing.  I couldn’t curb my eating habits so it was basically all for nothing. I don’t know if I would call it a total failure. The fact that I actually got out and rode the bike was something I didn’t think I could do. I guess my mission for the winter is to try and stop eating so much of the bad junk that taste so good.  Just in time for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  Oh boy.

I do want to thank everyone for their support. It just amazes me that every single one of my posts has had at least one comments. Thats just amazing. Thank you so much.

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    stephanie said,

    I was literally freezing the entire time reading your post. I would’ve hated to ride a bike in that kind of weather. Good thing you work so close to home because Missy can take you to and from now and still have a car at her disposal.

    All I can say about trying to curb your eating at this time of year with all the yummy holiday treats is…HA! Good luck with that. 🙂 But I believe you can do it. I will just make sure I eat all the Almond joys and Mounds for you. (he he he)

    Lastly- it shouldn’t amaze you that you have comments on your posts, you are one likeable person and a great bro-in-law. And of course two of the cutest darn kids ever to grace this earth! I could just hold that little baby Ryan of yours forever. Have a great day.

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