One More Day

Well, I had one more day to do.  And it was worse than yesterday. When I got to work, the temperature was a chilling 39 degrees. I had no winter equipment so im sure every car that passes me thought I was either crazy or a moron. Probably both. I didn’t get 100 yards before I was feeling the effects of the cold.  My ears were starting to turn red and my thumbs and fingers were starting to lose feeling. When I got to work, my thumbs had almost no feeling left in them, and I wasn’t even sure I had ears anymore. All jokes aside I started to feel really dizzy. Sometimes my legs were using memory to keep me up and walking instead of me doing it myself. I have to admit, it wasn’t a smart thing to do. Something I will never do again without the proper gear.

The ride home wont be bad since it will have warmed up to at lest 65, but I am done with biking. All I know is thankgoodness for hot chocolate.

3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    stephanie said,

    Um, you should’ve re-read your post from yesterday and realized that you maybe shouldn’t bike again today because of your previous experience with riding in the cold. Or maybe you secretly like freezing yourself and you will continue to ride in the cold without the proper equipment. Hmm, something to think about. 🙂

    You really should have Missy just take you to work, don’t you think? Or do you just not like the tought of having to get her and boys in the car so early? That is what Nate says a lot of the time, but when we all only have one car- it’s just the way it is.

    Also, when I was reading above where you said “every car that passes me thought I was either crazy or a moron” I thought moron said Mormon. I was like “What! Mormon? Why would he say that?” Then I re-read it and realized I was reading it wrong. Crazy me. But hey- maybe only crazy Mormon’s would ride in the cold without the proper gear. 🙂

  2. 2

    Chris Bishop said,

    Missy was afraid that packing the kids in the car to take me to work would send Jayden in a screaming fit once he realized that they weren’t actually going anywhere like grandmas. And since she needed to have the car today, I just opted to just bear the cold again.

    Needless to say, I won’t do that again.

  3. 3

    Scarlett said,

    Yeah make sure you definitely get some proper winter equipment, don’t pike out for the season just cos it’s cold. Get elemental! Invest in some good bike gear 😉

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